الأحد، 20 مارس 2016

6-Be positive.

6-Be positive. 

While some teachers imagine that being an old-school ruler-breaker will be the way to establish authority, and teaching does require a certain degree of sternness, it's also important to keep things positive and to remember to praise your students on a regular basis. If you run negative, remind yourself to say at least one positive thing to the entire class each day, and praise specific students one-on-one.

  • Teaching involves negative feedback, it's unavoidable. But try to limit your negative feedback as much as possible, and talk about it in terms of what can be improved, not what the students "did wrong." Look forward, not backward. Teach yourself to say "What we could do better is" instead of "What you did wrong was."
  • Don't embellish praise. Even if your students are young, don't condescend to them. Don't tell your students their essays were "All perfect!" if they weren't. Praise the work your class put in, the behavior, and the effort, not the quality, until the quality praise is deserved.

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