الأحد، 6 مارس 2016

5- Establish a consistent daily routine.

Establish a consistent daily routine. 

 Spend the first few days of each semester establishing the basic "flow" of each period, or each day. There are many different ways to organize a day, so lots of this will depend on what you want to do and what you teach, but when students come into your classroom, they should already have some idea of what you'll do that day.
  • Try outlining the period or the day on the board before the school day starts. This both gives you a reference point throughout the day, as well as the students an idea of what will happen. You could even list a specific instruction on the board for them to start without having to tell them.
  • Alternatively, you might find it effective to switch up the order of lessons in some groups of students. If math just doesn't seem to be working after lunch, try switching it to another time of day.

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