الخميس، 3 نوفمبر 2016

How to Make a Classroom Management Plan 2

Set the tone on the first day of class. Start building relationships with your students by being friendly and getting to know each other. Share the rules, rewards, and consequences so they know up front how you expect them to behave. Also, establish a routine. A routine lets students know what to expect each day in class. While moving away from the routine periodically can be effective for special days, doing it often causes students to be unprepared.

Write a letter to send home about the plan. Get your students' parents on board by laying out your basic rules. You can also tell them about the rewards and consequences systems. That way, parents know what to expect throughout the year.  

Set the example. It is important that you follow the classroom rules, too. For instance, show you are respectful of each student's ideas. It will let them know they can trust you. 

Be consistent. Probably the most important part of any classroom management plan is being consistent with how you implement it. That means enforcing rules even when you don't want to, as kids will come to understand that you mean what you say in the classroom

Use verbal and nonverbal reinforcements. That is, when you see a child doing well, show her you notice it by saying it aloud or smiling at her. When you see a kid starting to act up, shake your head at her, frown, or making a "tsking" noise if you're not ready to give her a warning.
Another way you can reinforce behavior is pointing to where you keep the rewards system, whether it is publicly displayed or not.

Create a form letter for consequences. Write up a form letter if one of your consequences is a letter home. That way, you'll have it on hand when you need it. Keep it simple and to the point.[16]
  • This letter should not express anger. Rather, it should lay out what happened in the classroom in a straightforward way.[17]
  • You should have blanks for the child's name, what the child did, and the date. You can leave the blanks on the computer, or print out form letters that you fill in by hand, whichever you find easiest.

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