السبت، 20 فبراير 2016

1-Figure out the Basics

Who are my students?
  • demographics (age, ethnicity, gender mix, etc.).
  • predispositions (hopes, fears, positives/negatives, level of interest).
  • knowledge of/experience with subject/me.
In what context will my students engage with course information?
  • large lecture hall, small seminar room or classroom.
  • lighting and sound issues.
  • time of day.
Take into account the "me, here, now."
  • Picture yourself as a member of the audience and ask "How does this message affect me, here, now?"
  • Me, here, now translates into what you as a sender have to offer your students/receivers—what they will be able to understand, accept, support, consider important—because it matters to them.  
Establish cognitive / behavioral objectives for student learning:
  • What do I want my students to know?
  • What do I want my students to do with what they know? Analyze, synthesize, apply, evaluate?

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